Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Advantages and disadvantages of Electric cars

Electric cars are very popular these days as there are fuel-free. This is summary of the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars by Himanshu.

To begin with, Electric cars are zero-emission therefore they are friendlier to the environment than ordinary cars. Even though they use electricity which is a form of energy , cars operating on fuel consume more energy then cars operating on electricity, motor vehicle is a mean of transportation modern vehicles share some advantages Another advantage is that some states in the US offer free recharging and parking for such cars.

Despite the advantages there is some downsides .Firstly, electric need regular charging and can only drive from 50 to 100miles after each charge. Another negative point is that is maximum speed is only 50kmph making them only recommended for local destination rather than long distance journeys.

In my opinion electronic cars can help stopping air pollution and I believe that in the years coming technology would evolve and solve the speed and charging issues with current electronic cars.

Himanshu,advantages and disadvantages of electirc cars.27-May-2009.http://www.irolisautos.com/blog/

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